Flower Essences, PMS, PMDD & Womb Health
I began working professionally with flower essences over 10 years ago. When I began, it was widely accepted that flower essences do not directly affect physical ailments. Through the years I’ve done a ton of research through focus groups, observations of clients and family etc. Certain things have just demanded my attention.
While I cannot claim that flower essences will definitively help everyone with difficult periods, I just cannot ignore how many testimonials l have received from people telling me how much they have helped. In fact, as we speak, I have my own two daughters testing out a “period blend” because they both have difficulties with their menstrual cycles.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a combination of physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, typically resolving with the onset of menstruation.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a more severe form of PMS. It is characterized by intense mood disturbances and physical symptoms that significantly impact daily functioning. Both conditions are believed to result from hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle, although the exact underlying mechanisms are not fully understood.
Delving into the Transformative Power of Flower Essences
Flower essences are natural remedies crafted from the energetic essence of flowers. They are not essential oils. They operate on a vibrational level to restore balance within the body. They address emotional and energetic imbalances that may, over time, manifest as physical symptoms. By capturing the unique energy of each flower, these essences gently stimulate the body’s innate healing mechanisms. As a result, they promote holistic well-being and supporting emotional harmony.
Exploring Promising Flower Essences for Womb Wellness
Within the diverse array of flower essences, through extensive testing done at The Flower Apothecary. Certain varieties have emerged as potential allies in supporting menstrual health and possibly mitigating the challenges of PMS, PMDD and Womb Health.
Pomegranate Flower Essence:
Celebrated for its connection to feminine energy and ancestral healing, Pomegranate flower essence offers a potential pathway to menstrual harmony. Its nurturing properties may gradually support regular periods and foster womb health, aligning with the cyclical rhythms of nature.
Pomegranates in Folklore
In folklore, pomegranates symbolize fertility, abundance, and maternal lineage. They are often associated with stories of rebirth and regeneration. Ancient Greek mythology, for example, depicts the pomegranate as a symbol of fertility and prosperity. In Middle Eastern cultures, women who want to get pregnant are told to eat pomegranates. Also, some suggest that the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden story may have been a pomegranate rather than an apple.
Cannabis Flower Essence:
In a recent focus group involving 12 participants, two individuals diagnosed with PMDD reported experiencing a notable reduction in symptoms after incorporating Cannabis Flower Essence into their routine over the course of a month. This unexpected outcome prompted further investigation into the potential benefits of Cannabis Flower Essence.
More women with problematic periods were invited to take Cannabis. Initial findings suggest that Cannabis may serve as a valuable supportive tool in managing PMDD symptoms, offering promising prospects for those seeking holistic approaches to menstrual health.
Iris Essence:
The Flower Apothecary Iris essence is crafted from 2 different types of Iris. Initially, when it was put through a focus group, participants had a pre-conceived notion of what it might help with. The fact that it helped several participants have smoother periods was a complete surprise.
Participants in focus groups reported it did one or more of the following: minimized cravings, affected timing of menstrual cycles, and alleviated PMS or PMDD symptoms. Its effects on menstruation were completely unexpected. They were also contrary to pre-conceived notions of what Iris was helpful for. Upon further study, one person stated: “Iris had an immediate effect this month. It was shocking.” Iris is currently on The Flower Apothecary “secret menu” and is not officially in the shop just yet.
Embracing Unexpected Healing
In the realm of flower essences, serendipitous discoveries are always so fun to hear about. As I mentioned, flower essences can really surprise you. Recently, an avid user of Pure Love reached out to us at The Flower Apothecary and shared the following: “I have been ordering Pure Love and it has helped tremendously with my PMDD symptoms. Before Pure Love I would have awful emotional episodes. Feeling I didn’t have any control over my emotions. It was so awful. Now with Pure Love on a regular daily basis, I almost have no symptoms and it’s literally been life changing for me.”
Pure Love is not a remedy I would think of giving anyone who is suffering with menstrual cycle issues. But this users success just points to how personal flower essences are and how differently they work on different people.
Reflecting on over a decade of professional involvement with flower essences, it’s remarkable to witness the evolution of understanding surrounding their impact on daily lives.
In the realm of flower essences, surprises abound, exemplified by the unexpected success of Pure Love in managing one person’s PMDD symptoms. This reinforces the deeply personal and individualized nature of flower essence therapy, where each remedy interacts uniquely with an individual’s energy and needs.
As we continue to delve deeper into the transformative power of flower essences, let us remain open to unexpected discoveries and embrace the profound impact they can have on our well-being. Through ongoing research, exploration, and personal testimonies, we can unlock the full potential of these botanical allies in supporting holistic health and emotional harmony.
At The Flower Apothecary, our commitment to harnessing the potential healing power of flowers remains unwavering. Thank you for being a part of The Flower Apothecary Community and following our journey.
Disclaimer: It’s important to note that while flower essences offer holistic support for menstrual health and emotional well-being, they are not intended to replace professional medical advice or treatment. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, have underlying health conditions, or are unsure about incorporating flower essences into your wellness routine, it is always recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance and comprehensive care.