How to Combat Negative Energy

How to Combat Negative Energy

When our energy is hijacked we feel shocked and  overwhelmed, and our fears and traumas get triggered. This causes an acute stress response in the form of fight, flight or freeze which is an involuntary physiological change that occurs when we feel threatened. Disassociation is a part of the fight-flight-freeze-response. Disassociation is the technical term for feeling disconnected from our bodies.  Now let’s learn how to combat negative energy.


Predatory Energies

When our emotional equilibrium is disrupted, and we endure significant emotional fluctuations, we become more vulnerable to psychic attacks. These attacks may target someone else initially but can latch onto individuals who are emotionally unstable. Consider someone grappling with depression, anxiety, or PTSD—they relinquish their power to their trauma, resulting in a weakened, porous energy field that predatory energies can latch onto.


Everything is Energy


  • Thoughts
  • Emotions
  • Trauma
  • Words
  • Money
  • Objects



We have become dissociated from our bodies, our hearts and our humanity. A big part of the work is to expand our capacity to hold what we witness and to hold the power and medicine that is all of our birthright as divine beings in human form.


There are many ways the predatory energies siphon our energy and power. These are a couple of ways:


  1. Personal Trauma – Trauma can have a powerful control on an individual; leaving a person’s vibration low and their energy field compromised. Many of us carry unresolved traumas and emotional pains that have taken root in our nervous systems. These can form a body of pain that we identify with so strongly that it can turn into an entity like energy that consumes us and causes us to vibrate at lower resonant states.


When we begin to identify with our pain body, we begin to see everything through the filter of that pain body and we then cannot identify the broader truth and meaning of experiences. The more out of emotional equilibrium we are, the more we become susceptible to energy vampires and psychic attack.


  1. Intergenerational Trauma – Epigenetics is when our trauma and wounds are passed down in our lineage. Those of us who come from historically oppressed communities may still be experiencing oppression in real time and we are actively being retraumatized.


Mice & Cherry Blossom Study


A study of mice in 2013 study found that there was an intergenerational trauma effect associated with external stimuli. Adult male mice were zapped in the foot with an electric current every time they were exposed to the scent of cherry blossom. This was repeated continuously until the smell of cherry blossom was associated with pain. Two weeks later, these male mice were bred with female mice. Their offspring were given to other unrelated mice to raise.  The offspring were raised into adulthood without ever being exposed to the scent of cherry blossom. Upon their first exposure to the scent of cherry blossom they suddenly became anxious and fearful. They were even born with more cherry-blossom-detecting neurons in their noses and more brain space devoted to cherry blossom scent detection.


What’s more is that even the traumatized mice’s grand pups exhibited a heightened sensitivity around the scent of cherry blossom. Neither generations showed a sensitivity to any other scent. This is one of many studies in the field of epigenetics that tells us a single traumatic event can be inherited by subsequent generations. Think of this in light of the many lives and experiences that you have lived. This is why flower essences are so important- to neutralize the effects of trauma so that you don’t pass it down.



So what can we do?


The first step is to practice energetic hygiene and protection daily. In this way you are both clearing your energetic field of unwanted energies, entities, and thoughts while aligning to your highest self and monadic tribe.


Using protection provides you with a shield or buffer against energetic interference, entities, and thoughts. It grounds you in your own energy so you are aware that when you feel overwhelmed in a situation and your energy is being hijacked.


Practical Tools & Methods to Combat Negative Energy:


  • Calling yourself back in the AM and PM

– “I call back my power from all places, people and situations that have been debilitating,                          draining and painful.” Or you can use any other statement you like.


Call yourself back to combat negative energy

  • Smudging – making sure you are using elements for smudging that are not extractive or appropriative. When you smudge using smoke you are invoking ancestral practices and protection. Some references for universal smoke are rosemary or lavender. Do not smudge at night time. Smudging for the purpose of clearing should only be done during daylight hours.  Alternatively you can also use sprays of flower essences or gem essences like Crystal Clear by The Flower Apothecary.


  • Prayer/Meditation – research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology has demonstrated the link between mind-body practices and immune function, suggesting that practices such as meditation and prayer may bolster the body’s natural defenses against illness and promote overall health.


  • Salt – you can place salt around yourself when you are going to be in ritual, prayer, or channeling. Salt is the most readily available and cost effective method of cleansing. It may be used to cleanse the physical and energetic body. It can also be use to cleanse crystals and thrifted clothes. For thrifted clothes, use ¼ cup sea salt and ¼ cup baking soda in the washing machine. As much as possible try to use ethically sourced salt.


Crystal Clear to combat negative energy

  • Vinegar – you can use vinegar to wipe down surfaces like doorknobs and floors.


  • Intuition – listening to your body and it’s signals – trusting what you feel. If you come across an object, person or a place that feels bad or unsafe, trust your intuition. If you get a visceral reaction when you interface with an object, you do not have to keep it. In fact, you should not keep it in your surroundings. Listen to your body point out what needs to be avoided.


  • Bath – with Epsom or sea salt. Helps cleanse your energetic field.


  • HZ music – to clear chakras, to help with rest and rejuvenation + recitations of your lineage.


  • Stones and gems – black onyx, tourmaline, any black stone is a protection stone. Selenite and gold are also protective.




In conclusion, understanding the intricacies of energy dynamics is paramount in learning how to combat negative energy. From the disruptive effects of personal and intergenerational traumas to the subtle manipulation of external forces, our energetic equilibrium remains under constant threat. However, through diligent practices such as prayer, meditation, and energetic hygiene, we can fortify our defenses and reclaim sovereignty over our spiritual and emotional realms. By embracing these tools and methods, we empower ourselves to navigate the complexities of existence with resilience, grace, and divine protection.