Live Your Best Life
Meet The Flowers
Improves potential to persevere despite setbacks and to have an unwavering positive outlook. Gentian can be found in Pure Joy Flower Essence.
In the positive state, an individual can process minor setbacks and still proceed to get to the goal. They understand there are solutions for problems. In a state of imbalance, an individual needing Gentian can be easily discouraged by unexpected difficulties. They can be so pessimistic that even a small setback may have a distressing effect on them. Gentian is a Bach Flower Essence.
On a personal note: If positive Gentian could sing, it might sing “Lost” by Coldplay.
Magnifies the potential for empathy. Heather can be found in Pure Love Flower Essence.
In a positive state, this individual is an active listener and is an interested party in a conversation. They show understanding towards another person’s issues. In a state of imbalance, an individual needing Heather may be only centered on their own personal problems and tend to talk exclusively about themselves.
Sometimes a Heather state exists internally and the individual has a constant dialogue within themselves that centers on themselves and their perceived problems. Heather is a Bach Flower Essence.Sweet Chestnut
Expands potential to trust in a positive outcome despite being in a state of deep mental despair. Sweet Chestnut can be found in Crisis Intervention Flower Essence.
An individual in a negative Sweet Chestnut state may feel hopeless despair and intense internal suffering. They may feel alone and backed up against a wall in the face of ruin with nowhere to go. In its negative manifestation, this is perhaps one of the most intensely emotional states. One may feel their very soul is damaged. However, if an individual can work through it, it can initiate very transformative stages of development. Sweet Chestnut is a Bach Flower Essence.
On a personal note: I think of the song “I Will Survive”.
Increases the potential to be hopeful and to actively participate in the manifestation of one’s own fate. Gorse can be found in Pure Joy Flower Essence.
In the positive state, this individual is decidedly positive and cheerful. In a state of imbalance, an individual needing Gorse can be lost in a state of pessimism and resignation to what they are sure will be an unfavorable outcome. They may try new things to get them out of their rut but they really don’t believe any good will come of them. Gorse is a Bach Flower Essence.
On a personal note: I think of the song “King of Pain” by Sting.
Increases patience! Impatiens can be found in Cool & Collected, Crisis Intervention and Attention & Focus Flower Essences.
In a positive impatiens state, an individual trusts they have enough time to wait for things to take their natural course. They experience their time with a sense of ease. In a state of imbalance, an individual needing Impatiens is impatient, irritable and does things so fast that they may make careless errors due to their super charged speed. The impatiens type person can’t wait for other people to do things, they will do it themselves. They may make rash decisions, finish other people’s sentences and/or not finish their own sentences. Impatiens is a Bach Flower Essence.
Improves ones potential to undoubtedly trust one’s own intuition and inner guidance. Cerato can be found in Pure You and Pure Confidence Flower Essences.
In the positive Cerato state, an individual confidently makes their own decisions without the need of other people’s opinions or input. In a state of imbalance, Cerato types may second guess their decisions frequently, constantly ‘google’ for information, ask others for advice even if they know what they should do, seek confirmation from others. Cerato is a Bach Flower Essence.
Magnifies the potential to adapt and to live ‘in the now’. Honeysuckle can be found in Attention & Focus and Pure Love Flower Essences.
In a positive Honeysuckle state, an individual will be able to adapt to the changes in their life and evolve with them. In a state of imbalance, the individual can’t let go of the past, they may live regrets and sorrows from the past or they may glorify the past and be unable to fully connect to their current life. Honeysuckle is a Bach Flower Essence.
On a personal note: I think of the song ‘Hello’ by Adele.
Magnifies potential for unconditional love. Chicory can be found in Pure Confidence, Pure Love and Pure Gratitude Flower Essences.
In a positive Chicory state an individual is able to give freely without the expectation of a return. They are able to respect the individuality of their loved ones without trying to manipulate or change them. In a state of imbalance, an individual needing Chicory might use emotional blackmail, be excessively possessive and needy, expect gratitude for doing things for others they were not asked to do. Chicory is a Bach Flower Essence.
On a personal note: If positive Chicory could sing, it might sing, “All of me” by John Legend.
Cherry Plum
Improves ones potential for composure and self-control. Cherry Plum can be found in Cool & Collected and Crisis Intervention Flower Essences.
In a positive Cherry Plum State, an individual’s rationale and emotions work together harmoniously, supporting their ability to think before acting. In a state of imbalance, a person needing Cherry Plum may feel like a ‘ticking time-bomb’ ready to explode at any minute. They may be on the verge of a nervous breakdown and/or violent behavior. Cherry Plum is a Bach Flower Essence.
On a personal note: I always think of the Disney Princess Elsa from the movie Frozen and how she was so afraid of losing control and physically hurting her sister Ana. That is a classic manifestation of a negative Cherry Plum state.
Morning Glory
Improves vitality and resets the biological clock. Morning Glory can be found in Pure Beauty and Pure Energy Flower Essences.
An individual in a positive Morning Glory state greets the morning with energy and vibrancy. A person in an unfavorably developed Morning Glory state might be awake all night and sleep all morning. Even when they get out of bed, they might feel fatigued or hung over. Morning Glory gets along really well with Hornbeam Flower Essence. Morning Glory Flower Essence is handmade by The Flower Apothecary.
On a personal note: Ever heard the pre-school song ‘Good Morning’?
Rock Rose
Improves ones potential to react with the necessary internal strength to meet a crisis head on. Rock Rose can be found in Fearless and Crisis Intervention Flower Essences.
An individual in a positive Rock Rose state is the hero that saves the day! There is also a positive Rock Rose state that is more discrete and relates to an unwavering inner courage in the face of a perceived threat. An individual in an unfavorably developed Rock Rose state might feel impaired by extreme fear, panic and anxiety. They rapidly lose control of their composure and escalate into a state of panic and horror in an acute situation. Children who have nightmares can benefit from Rock Rose. Rock Rose is a Bach Flower Essence.
On a personal note: The petite mother who lifts a car to get her child out from under it, is an example of a positive Rock Rose State.
Enhances vitality, mental alertness and the motivation to achieve. Hornbeam can be found in Pure Energy and Attention & Focus Flower Essences.
In a positive Hornbeam state, an individual has energy to begin tasks and is mentally fresh. They are able to experience joy from their work. In a state of imbalance, an individual needing Hornbeam may dread the idea of even beginning a task. They may procrastinate and feel tired or even exhausted before actually having done anything; they are the ones who typically have the Monday morning blues to a more pronounced extent. Hornbeam is a Bach Flower Essence.
This is the ‘cleansing remedy’ and it relates to the potential for purity and flawlessness. Crabapple can be found in Pure Beauty and Pure Confidence Flower Essences.
In a positive Crabapple state an individual is able to recognize what is really important in their inner and outer life; they do not allow minor details to torment them. In a state of imbalance, an individual needing Crabapple may feel dirty, disgusting or impure. They may excessively wash hands, spend inordinate amounts of time fluffing pillows or straightening pictures on the wall, feel repulsed by natural things like breastfeeding, pimples, sweaty palms and so forth. Crabapple is a Bach Flower Essence.
Magnifies the potential for universal love; divine love. Holly can be found in Cool & Collected and Pure Love Flower Essences.
In a positive Holly state, this individual will radiate love and inner harmony. They will want for others what they want for themselves. In a state of imbalance, an individual needing Holly may feel hateful, suspicious, jealous and revengeful. They may become easily enraged and act explosively. Holly is a Bach Flower Essence.
On a personal note: I tend to think of Bono from U2, he reflects someone in a positive Holly state. I also think John Lennon was imagining a Holly state for the world when he sang “Imagine”.
Magnifies potential for illumination, vibrancy and vitality. Dandelion can be found in Quiet Mind Flower Essence.
In a positive Dandelion State, an individual can properly integrate mental input, no matter how heavy, with physical release of tension. There is a natural and effortless flow of energy that radiates like the sun. People in a positive dandelion state exhibit a resiliency under pressure. In a state of imbalance, an individual needing Dandelion burns themselves out or energy may stagnate and turn into tension; especially in the neck and shoulders. Dandelion Flower Essence is handmade by The Flower Apothecary.
On personal note: If Dandelion could sing, it might sing “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles.
Helps you feel like YOU ARE ENOUGH! Larch can be found in Fearless, Attention & Focus, Pure Confidence, Pure You , Pure Beauty and Pure Gratitude Flower Essences.
Larch is an extremely valuable flower for this day and age. Social media virtually teleports individuals into a negative Larch state. An individual in a positive Larch state is self- confident and believes in their own ability to do what they want to do. They are able to look at themselves without negative judgment. An individual in a negative Larch state is self-critical and belittles themselves. They compare themselves to others and always come up short in the comparison. That inner critic inside so many of us is a total and complete Larch! Larch is a Bach Flower Essence.
On a personal note: I believe everyone can benefit from Larch & I religiously spike my kids’ water & milk with this flower essence. I even put a few drops into their shampoo bottle.
Promotes a sense of personal empowerment and strengthens an individual’s energy field. Nigella can be found in Fearless, Crisis Intervention and Pure You Flower Essences.
An individual in a positive Nigella state feels an internal strength and boldness. They are self-assured and feel free to be who they are & how they are. It is excellent for combatting hypersensitivity. An individual in an unfavorably developed Nigella state might be hypersensitive, easily shaken & rattled, be susceptible to ‘energy vampires’. It is helpful for trembling and shaking. It is also a wonderful remedy for empaths. Nigella Flower Essence is handmade by The Flower Apothecary.
On a personal note: This is one of my ‘go to’ essences. I always have it handy. Nigella has a wealth of historical significance across the world and there is much folklore surrounding it. It is also significant to many religions.
Wild Rose
Increases the experience of joy in life. Wild Rose can be found in Pure Joy Flower Essence.
In a favorably developed Wild Rose state, an individual is enthusiastic and has many interests they care to pursue. Their faces exhibit the robust expression of the passion within them. An individual in a negative Wild Rose state may experience no joy in life, be apathetic and resigned to whatever comes their way. They have a passive and accepting nature. Their faces may be expressionless and they may speak in a monotone voice. They rarely exhibit initiative to change their condition and have a ‘oh what’s the use attitude’. They are the types that may stay in failed marriages or dead end jobs. Wild Rose is a Bach Flower Essence.
Improves ones potential to experience inner peace and harmony while being emotionally honest. Agrimony can be found in Quiet Mind and Pure You Flower Essences.
In a positive Agrimony state, an individual can effectively process disharmonious life events while still remaining optimistic. An Agrimony pattern of imbalance relates to having an inner restlessness or disturbance masked behind a happy face. Agrimony types may try to avoid problems by indulging in food, alcohol, recreational drugs or work. They may also have the ‘disease to please’ in an effort to avoid confrontation as confrontation makes them extremely uncomfortable. Agrimony is a Bach Flower Essence.
Himalayan Mulberry
Expands potential to experience abundance and feel gratitude. Himalayan Mulberry can be found in Pure Gratitude Flower Essence.
It promotes tolerance and a capacity to interpret life events objectively. It promotes both wisdom and intuitive understanding. It also promotes a positive disposition. In an unfavorably developed Himalayan Mulberry state, an individual may be overly critical; of themselves or others. They may be unable to see all the abundance and all the blessings in their life. They may be relying more on their emotions, dismissing what their logic has to say. Himalayan Mulberry Flower Essence is handmade by The Flower Apothecary.
On a personal note: I think this flower is very special. The tree originates in the Himalayas. The flower essence is head-centered and very much related to the air element. As a result, it will get you thinking!
* hover over the flower to reveal its meaning
Science Meets Ancient Wisdom
Science + ancient wisdom + love go into the making of our flower essences to create powerfully transformative blends that support your emotions.
Heal The Root of the Problem
Flower essences heal the root of the problem and not merely its symptoms. They support you in attaining emotional balance both gently and effectively. Its as easy as taking 4 drops, 4 times a day!
Natural Ingredient
We blend flower essences, cell salts and gem essences in small batches by hand with alkaline spring water and organic USP vegetable glycerin to deliver the highest quality product to you and your family. Our blends are approximately 99.5% alcohol free.

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As Seen In
How Do Flower Essences Work
We believe water holds powerful vibrational energy, and that this energy can be influenced by the simple practice of imbuing the water with energy from other sources, such as flowers and gemstones. When these energy charged water molecules subsequently make contact with other water molecules, they ‘pass on’ their energy until eventually the whole body of water is imbued with the same energy.
Masaru Emoto
Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto proved that water has memory. He studied water crystals for most of his life. He traveled the world collecting water samples. Each sample was frozen before using an electron microscope to take photos of the resulting ice crystals. He then exposed the water samples to various energy sources. It may be music, flowers, or a word he wrote on the container. The freeze process was repeated on these ‘modified’ samples and the crystals viewed and photographed again under the electron microscope. The difference in how the ice crystals form after exposure to other energy sources is astonishing.
Flower Essences And Flower Essence Therapy
Over 70% of our body is water. So, when specially charged water molecules like those in flower essences encounter the water molecules in our body, this energy is transferred and eventually transforms all our water molecules. Thereby promoting significant changes in our emotions and overall well-being. This is one of the guiding philosophies behind flower essences and homeopathy.
How Our Flower Remedies Can Help You
Our professionally crafted blends of cell salts, Bach Flower Essences and our own flower and gem essences, create unique blends designed to support YOU and help you become the best version of you. Our essences symbolize a blending of ancient wisdom and science, resulting in powerful transformational flower remedies that are alcohol free and created with love.
Our multi-purpose Pure Collection includes 7 different thematic blends designed to benefit nearly everyone. Each blend has 6 flower essences and 1 precious gem essence.
Our Specialty Collection includes 5 target specific products, each of which incorporates 7 flower essences and a combination of the 12 essential cell salts. The salts come in homeopathic micro-doses so they’re perfectly safe for people of all ages and sizes as well as pets.
We love to give gifts here at the apothecary. The Flower Apothecary products come with a complimentary pocket crystal that has been cleansed and charged to bring you positive energy. This is a gift from us to you.
Experience The Transformative Power Of Flower Therapy
Explore our site or contact us to discover, and experience, the transformative power of flowers, flower essences and flower therapy from The Flower Apothecary.