Bleeding Heart

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Bleeding Heart


Mender of Broken Hearts

  • Helpful for anyone who has suffered grief, heartbreak, loss.
  • Helps one feel safe to speak their truth.
  • Helps one find space to hear their heart’s desire.
  • Helpful for people who may need closure as a result of a loss but have not been able to achieve it.
  • Helpful for people who engage in dreamwork. It may trigger vivid dreams that usually have a theme of finding solutions to problems or discovering heart’s desire.
  • Pairs well with 22 kt Gold

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Water, USP Organic Vegetable Glycerin, Bleeding Heart Flower Essence

1 fluid oz

For maximum results, take 4 drops, 4 times a day continuously for a minimum of 3 weeks. Conversely, you may take as needed. This is a stock potency dilution.