Pure Joy
- Helps restore hope, happiness, resilience in the face of disappointment
- Promotes playfulness and diminishes overly serious dispositions
- Addresses sadness that descends for no known reason
- Helps dispels apathy
- Supports seasonal wellness in the Winter
- Helpful for postpartum moms
Water, USP Organic Vegetable Glycerin, Gem Essence of Watermelon Tourmaline, Flower Essences of Chicory, Gentian, Gorse, Mustard, Sweet Chestnut, Wild Rose
For maximum results, take 4 drops, 4 times a day continuously for 3 weeks. Conversely, you may take as needed.
Sydney Appel – :
Throughout the medical school application process, the rejections were hitting me really hard, so I started to use Pure Joy. Just as the description states, it restored my hope and resilience.
Savanah (verified purchase) – :
Pure Joy made such a difference for me! I love to be out in the sunshine and live in an area with cold, dark Winters. It can be a bit of a bummer usually but I could really feel the flower essences working in my system this Winter! I was amazed. Not shocked, but amazed and thankful. Ancient remedies are often overlooked in the modern world and absolutely should not be. This works!
Bree B. – :
Nadia embodies calming and cathartic energy and she has succeeded in bottling up that feeling for all to benefit from. I enjoy using the Rose and Neroli mists when I need a pick-me-up and the essences have become part of our family self-care. My son suffers from ADHD and I have seen positive mood shifts in him when using the Crisis Intervention drops in his water bottle. My daughter enjoys Fearless in her shampoo and I like to add Pure Joy to my coffee in the morning. The possibilities are endless!
Sophia Farricielli – :
I have been using pure joy for the past 7 1/2 – 8 months. Since using it, I have gone off my anxiety medication and feel the best I have ever been. I’m 19 and have been on and off medications since I was 5. Nothing had truly worked until now. I am so grateful for the flower apothecary and everything the brand has done for me. I am so beyond fond of this product that I got it for all my friends to try. The product has always been working very well for them. Thank you so much!!
Masouma – :
Following Divine Feminine (Pomerganate), I was truly surprised that intuition guided me to work with Pure Joy, next. All I can say is that yesterday I met a friend after two years, (a happy-go-lucky friend, I should add) and the very first thing he said was “you feel different, you’re so happy” and he kept repeating it all through our visit. His comment took me by (pleasant) surprise because I’ve been recovering from surgery this winter, and lots of things to do relocating countries, let alone the state of our world. But the heart feels Joy. Why and how, is irrelevant. Inshallah Kheir.
Nadia Ameri – :
This review makes my day! Wishing you Joy and Happiness ALWAYS! Thank you for sharing!